AIO OllyDBG Tools Pack
uploader : [belajar-cracking.blogspot]
All tools for ollyDBG v1.10 / v2.0. And ImmunityDBG. Contain plugins, script, patch, extra tools, utilities etc. I hope you like it…
Book Publisher Wanted!(寻求图书出版商)
DeIDA Package 1.4
DeDe is Excellent Delphi program analyzing tool, but I still prefer IDA for
navigation & documentation.Exe-2-Dpr is another very useful utility (and also work with old 16-bit Delphi
programs).I always look for way to grab as many info from this great program’s output as
possible. So, I wrote a few stupid progs just to _reformate_ Exe2dpr & DeDe
output and import into IDA by simple IDC script.That’s all.
How to use:
> -*- EDM 1.4 * Copyright (c) Aleph 2001-2003 -*-
> Exe-2-Dpr output files reformatter
> Usage: [> ProjectName.DDM]
Apply exe2dpr.exe to analyzed proggy. Place all exe2dpr output in some
directory. Now, run in this directory and redirect edm output to some
file. edm will be scan all *.pas files in the directory and create output file
in *.ddm format. Use deida.idc script for import the *.ddm file to IDA database.
fixobjc idc script for IDA Pro
This is an attempt to improve the original fixobjc.idc script by Willem Jan Hengeveld.
For now it’s only compatible with Mach-O 32bits binaries for Mac OS X.
My goal is to make it compatible with all Mac OS X and iOS binaries.
IDA Create Unicode String(English)
IDA Pro 6.3 ELF Anti-Debugging / Reversing Patcher
* IDA Pro 6.3 (crash due an internal error)
* ELF anti-debugging/reversing patcher
* Published @ IOActive Labs Research blog:
* - nitr0us [ ]
* Tested under:
* IDA Pro Starter License 6.3.120531 (Mac OS X)
* IDA Pro Demo 6.3.120730 (Ubuntu Linux 9.04)
* IDA Pro Demo 6.3.120730 (Mac OS X 10.7.3)
* IDA Pro Demo 6.3.120730 (Windows Vista Home Premium SP2)
* Bug found using Frixyon fuzzer (my ELF file format fuzzer still in development)
* Timeline:
* 21/11/2012 The bug was found on IDA Demo 6.3
* 22/11/2012 The bug was tested on IDA Pro Starter License 6.3.120531 (32-bit)
* 22/11/2012 The bug was reported through the official Hex-Rays contact emails
* 23/11/2012 Hex-Rays replied and agreed that the bug leads to an unrecoverable
* state and it will be fixed on the next release
**************** TECHNICAL DETAILS ***********************
nitr0us@burial:~$ gdb -q idaq
(gdb) r a.out
(no debugging symbols found)
Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
[Switching to Thread 0xb6860760 (LWP 3638)]
0xb55f7694 in default_notification_handler (reader=@0xbfbffae0,
notif=reader_t::err_shstrndx) at reader.cpp:33
33 reader.cpp: No such file or directory.
in reader.cpp
Current language: auto; currently c++
其实要写这个完全是受小白童鞋的影响,看了她的《Linux脚本自动备份网站数据到Dropbox(上)》之后想着试试,结果看了下那篇文章最后的链接,拷贝了两个脚本,不试不知道一试发现神马都没法用! =(话说写代码都不用测试的么? 😎
数据库备份代码(保存文件格式一定要保存为Unix UTF-8,要不是跑不动滴)
echo "################################################################"
echo "#Backup sql stabase everyday #"
echo "#Mars Security #"
echo "#By:obaby #"
echo "# #"
echo "################################################################"
MYSQL_USER="root" // 数据库的用户名
MYSQL_PASS="123456789"// 数据库的密码
SqlFileName=sql_h4ck_$(date +%y%m%d).tar.gz //备份数据库名称
echo " > Start dump the sql database......."
mysqldump -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASS $MYSQL_DATABASE>h4ckbackup.sql
echo " > Zip the sql file "
tar zcvf $SqlFileName h4ckbackup.sql
echo " > Start uploading file now....."
sh upload $SqlFileName
sh delete sql_h4ck_$(date -d -10day +%Y%m%d).tar.gz
rm -f $SqlFileName
rm -f h4ckbackup.sql
echo " > All Finished ,have a joy!"
echo "###############################################################"
再谈WindowsBlinds 7.4的试用期