迅雷 去广告补丁

现在笔记本上用的一直是以前的迅雷5,直到周末要下载COD 8的时候发现那个东西下载不了ed2k的链接,而电驴又没有任何的速度,于是哥们重新给装了一个7。但是迅雷7的广告太蛋疼了,于是就自己又搞了一下把右边的广告给k掉了。那些广告既占用资源又影响视觉,一点都不爽啊,不爽。 :choler:


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MDbg 32Bit Version 1.0


作者blog链接:http://hi.baidu.com/vmpdebugger 猛击此处直接下载,猛击此处到看雪页面!用了一下感觉做的非常不错,期待64位版本, :8 :8

IDC 开发环境配置


OD Unicode String Format Convert v0.1


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Import Repeatable Comments to IDA Via Script

//Write repeatble comment to the ida database.Such as the Chinese characters exported from OD    //
//The data formart show be like fallows:                                                         //
//007714F4  发现无线设备, 连接中……                                                           //
//007714F8  发现有线设备, 连接中……                                                           //
//The first is a address, and then 2 spaces ,and the last is the Comment for the data            //
//Script by obaby , site:http://www.h4ck.org.cn ,Email:root@h4ck.ws ,Date:11:59 2011-11-7        //

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rsrcExtractor IDA Plugin

 * One of the things I always missed in IDA is parsing of resources. IDA has
 * option to load resources, but it's nothing more than dummy data.
 * This plugin allows us to load resources from file on disk, and see their
 * structure. First time you use plugin on existing database you must have
 * that file on disk, as only 1st time I'm using file on disk to parse resources
 * and store them into netnodes, which allows ppl to share database with full
 * resource layout without need to distribute original file.
 * To use plugin, just press 'P' and you should see resource layout. Before loading
 * file, it's smart to select "Load Resources" in IDA, thus Jump to Data option
 * will actually work, and you will be able to inspect resources in IDA without
 * saving them to the disk.
 *                                             (c) 2011 deroko of ARTeam

Clkck here to download