export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=gxfxaxdxcxegedabagacad
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=gxfxaxdxcxegedabagacad
DarkComet-RAT (Remote Administration Tool) is software design to control in the best condition and confort possible any kind of Microsoft Windows machine since Windows 2000.
API Monitor is a free software that lets you monitor and control API calls made by applications and services. Its a powerful tool for seeing how applications and services work or for tracking down problems that you have in your own applications.
Home Page:http://www.rohitab.com/apimonitor
Download Link:http://dl.dbank.com/c0e3v1xi4q
Click here to download the gina dll source code (only with this dll ,it will not works in safe mode).Also there are many other ways to let the dll works in safe mode . I know one,meybe not the best but the work one.lol If u don’t believe it .click here to download the test video.
Tuluka is a new powerful AntiRootkit, which has the following features:
Detects hidden processes, drivers and devices
Detects IRP hooks
Identifies the substitution of certain fields in DRIVER_OBJECT structure
Checks driver signatures
本程序校验信息(之所以不同是因为我改了点东西 ):
文件名: C:\Users\obaby\Desktop\fHash.exe
文件大小: 301568 字节 (294.50 KB)
修改日期: 2011-01-27 16:42
MD5: 538f799be7147426609c4b5133784223
SHA1: 36618f226ad4f37ae12c97d195a2ab50460967e0
SHA256: b475a016ab0951d9dba71cef4b7414708d96adccf96df60259b9dbcb839703f0
CRC32: d12daab3