Syser Kernel Debugger is designed for Windows NT Family based on X86 platform. It is a kernel debugger with full-graphical interfaces and supports assembly debugging and source code debugging.
.NET Reflector 7.0 Cracked
VS2008+WDK 驱动开发环境设置向导
本向导用于为 VS2008 创建一般的驱动开发环境。解压到任一文件夹中,运行 Install.js 安装向导。如果需要卸载请运行 Uninstall.js。
by cntrump
February 24, 2011
Simple Assembly Explorer 1.13.2
Simple Assembly Explor (SAE) is a FREE .Net assembly tool which include: Assembler Disassembler Deobfuscator IL editor Profiler Plugins support and more …
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Total Commander 7.56a Patch
ildasm 4.0 修改版
還是原來那個我 不過流掉幾公升淚所以變瘦
對著鏡子我承諾 遲早我會還這張臉一堆笑容
不算什麼 愛錯就愛錯
早點認錯 早一點解脫
.Net静态反编译工具 ILSpy and Reflector
ILSpy Features
* Assembly browsing
* IL Disassembly
* Decompilation to C#
* Saving of resources
* Search for types/methods/properties (substring)
* Hyperlink-based type/method/property navigation
* Base/Derived types navigation
* Navigation history