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Django Export XLS 【Windows安装】
(venv) PS F:\Pycharm_Projects\Ruoyi-Energy> pip3 install django-export-xls Collecting django-export-xls Using cached django-export-xls-0.1.1.tar.gz (3.2 kB) Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... error ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: obaby\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-pip-egg-info-u0lvqod1' cwd: C:\Users\obaby\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-xrhra6sx\django-export-xls_d72b66d322264c26b516fda785f307fd\ Complete output (5 lines): Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "C:\Users\obaby\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-xrhra6sx\django-export-xls_d72b66d322264c26b516fda785f307fd\setup.py", line 4, in <module> README = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'README.rst')).read() UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 918: illegal multibyte sequence ----------------------------------------
Django Export XLS
1. 安装:: $ pip install django-export-xls 2. 将"export_xls" 添加到 INSTALLED_APPS:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'export_xls', ) 3. 修改以下两个路径MEDIA_ROOT 和MEDIA_URL eg:: import os MEDIA_ROOT = os.sep.join([os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'media']) MEDIA_URL = '/media/' 4. 执行数据导出: 定义以下几个数据:文件名、表头、导出数据
Bitbucket 对于个人以及最多具有 5 位用户的小型团队是免费的,并提供无限制的公共和私人存储库。您还可以获得 LFS 的 1 GB 文件存储和 50 分钟的构建时间,以便开始使用 Pipelines。您可以在工作区与所有用户共享构建分钟数和存储。
Uptime Kuma自建服务监控服务
uptime-kuma是一款开源监控工具,类似于“Uptime Robot和statping”,ui非常简洁美观,支持TCP/PING/HTTP监控等,还支持多语言其中包括中文!
秀人美女网爬虫 【Windows】【22.12.03】
F:\Pycharm_Projects\meitulu-spider\venv\Scripts\python.exe F:\Pycharm_Projects\meitulu-spider\xrmnw.py **************************************************************************************************** 秀人美女网爬虫 Verson: 22.12.03 Blog: http://www.h4ck.org.cn **************************************************************************************************** USAGE: spider -h <help> -a <all> -q <search> Arguments: -a <download all site images> -q <query the image with keywords> -h <display help text, just this> Option Arguments: -p <image download path> -r <random index category list> -c <single category url> -e <early stop, work in site crawl mode only> -s <site url eg: http://www.xiurenji.vip (no last backslash "/")> ****************************************************************************************************
Python 读写SVG ns0命名空间
SVG是一种图形文件格式,它的英文全称为Scalable Vector Graphics,意思为可缩放的矢量图形。它是基于XML(Extensible Markup Language),由World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)联盟进行开发的。严格来说应该是一种开放标准的矢量图形语言,可让你设计激动人心的、高分辨率的Web图形页面。用户可以直接用代码来描绘图像,可以用任何文字处理工具打开SVG图像,通过改变部分代码来使图像具有交互功能,并可以随时插入到HTML中通过浏览器来观看。
WordPress 夜间模式
Going dark has become the new trend lately. Let your site shine with the captivating dark scheme. Through the eye-pleasing blueprint, you can enjoy the reading experience you’ve always been yearning for but have never been able to find.
DarkLooks WP dark mode plugin is supported by all major operating systems. This dark mode plugin looks up your preferences for your operating system based on your interest in using dark mode.