Java 字节码编辑器,link:
通过用户的环境变量(~/.bash_profile)去改.写入文件.bash_profile vim ~/.bash_profile
export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
source ~/.bash_profile
支持shell和fish shell
IDA Patcher is a plugin for Hex-Ray’s IDA Pro disassembler designed to enhance IDA’s ability to patch binary files and memory. The plugin is useful for tasks related to malware analysis, exploit development as well as bug patching. IDA Patcher blends into the standard IDA user interface through the addition of a subview and several menu items
Simply copy into IDA’s plugins folder. The plugin will be automatically loaded the next time you start IDA Pro.
The plugin uses pure IDA Python API, so it should be compatible with all versions of IDA on different platforms. However, it was only extensively tested on IDA Pro 6.5 for Windows with x86, x86-64 and ARM binaries.
Enjoys all executable file formats supported by the disassembler.
Benefits from IDA’s signature search, parsers of debug information, and demanglers.
Decompiles a chosen function or the whole program by push of a button.
Allows easy jumping between the disassembler and the decompiled code.
Fully integrated into IDA’s GUI.
Windows版的插件编写可以参考的文档比较多,并且也有专门的向导可以来做这件事情,相对来说比较简单。但是针对Mac下的插件编写虽然也有一些参考文档但是都比较老旧。有参考价值但是意义不大,形同鸡肋。Windows下的插件编写可以参考下面两篇文章中的向导:IDA Pro Plugin wizard for vs2013 以及 Ida Plugin Wizard For VS2010。
Mac OS 10.9.4
Xcode 5.1.1
IDA Pro For Mac 6.5+sdk65