自从ida升级7.0 之后,hexrays做了很多的改动,以前的插件基本都废掉了。于是想要找个插件就变得很困难,最近分析一个文件需要获取所有的注释,但是那个针对低版本开发的commentview已经无力回天了。虽然晚上有开源的代码,但是实际修改起来比较蛋疼,不知道是不是ida的问题,编译的插件获取的地址基本都是错误的。还是按照以前的使用区段枚举,和inf信息获取的方法获取到的地址都错了,着tm就很尴尬了,测试代码如下:
for (int i = 0; i < get_segm_qty(); i++) {
segment_t *seg = getnseg(i);
qstring segname;
get_segm_name( &segname,seg, 1024);
msg("segname: %s, start_ea= %08x, end_ea= %08x , size=%08x \n", segname.c_str(), seg->start_ea, seg->end_ea, seg->size());
msg("Database Info: start_ea= %08x, min_ea= %08x, max_ea= %08x, omin_ea= %08x, omax_ea= %08x \n", inf.start_ea, inf.min_ea, inf.max_ea, inf.omin_ea, inf.omax_ea);
msg("lowoff= %08x, highoff= %08x, main= %08x \n", inf.lowoff, inf.highoff, inf.main);
实际获取到的数据如下,测试环境为OSX + IDA 7.0,如果谁看到了这篇文章还获取到了正确的地址麻烦通知我一声(感谢匿名用户的评论反馈:那个基址问题应该是IDA的BUG,在新的IDA 7.0.171130 (SP1)里已经修正了的,如果是正版的话就升级一下吧。)。
segname: .text, start_ea= 10001000, end_ea= 00000001 , size=effff001
segname: .idata, start_ea= 10005000, end_ea= 00000006 , size=efffb006
segname: .rdata, start_ea= 1000513c, end_ea= 00000003 , size=efffaec7
segname: .data, start_ea= 10006000, end_ea= 00000005 , size=efffa005
Database Info: start_ea= 10007000, min_ea= ff000000, max_ea= 00000000, omin_ea= 0006000f, omax_ea= 06400007
lowoff= 00500046, highoff= 00000301, main= 10007000
'''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' 'IDA Comments Viewer for IDA pro 7.0' 'Version:1.0 alpha' 'plugin by obaby' 'http://www.h4ck.org.cn http://findu.co' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ''' import idaapi from ida_ida import * import idautils import idc from idaapi import Choose2 import ida_kernwin class chooser_handler_t(idaapi.action_handler_t): def __init__(self, thing): idaapi.action_handler_t.__init__(self) self.thing = thing def activate(self, ctx): #sel = [] #for i in xrange(len(ctx.chooser_selection)): # sel.append(str(ctx.chooser_selection.at(i))) #print "command %s selected @ %s" % (self.thing, ", ".join(sel)) pass def update(self, ctx): return idaapi.AST_ENABLE_FOR_FORM if idaapi.is_chooser_tform(ctx.form_type) else idaapi.AST_DISABLE_FOR_FORM class MyChoose2(Choose2): def __init__(self, title, nb = 5, flags=0, width=None, height=None, embedded=False, modal=False): Choose2.__init__( self, title, [ ["Address", 16], ["T", 2], ["Instruction/Data", 60], ["Comment", 100]], flags = flags, width = width, height = height, embedded = embedded) self.n = 0 self.items = self.get_all_comments() #[ self.make_item() for x in xrange(0, nb+1) ] self.icon = 5 self.selcount = 0 self.modal = modal self.popup_names = [] #["Inzert", "Del leet", "Ehdeet", "Ree frech"] #print("created %s" % str(self)) def OnClose(self): print "closed", str(self) def OnEditLine(self, n): self.items[n][1] = self.items[n][1] + "*" #print("editing %d" % n) def OnInsertLine(self): self.items.append(self.make_item()) #print("insert line") def OnSelectLine(self, n): self.selcount += 1 ea = int(self.items[n][0], 16) idc.jumpto(ea) #Warning("[%02d] selectline '%s'" % (self.selcount, n)) def OnGetLine(self, n): #print("getline %d" % n) return self.items[n] def OnGetSize(self): n = len(self.items) #print("getsize -> %d" % n) return n def OnDeleteLine(self, n): #print("del %d " % n) del self.items[n] return n def OnRefresh(self, n): #print("refresh %d" % n) return n def OnGetIcon(self, n): r = self.items[n] t = self.icon + r[1].count("*") #print "geticon", n, t return t def show(self): return self.Show(self.modal) >= 0 def make_item(self): r = [str(self.n), "func_%04d" % self.n] self.n += 1 return r def check_isin_filter(self, cmt): cmt_str = str(cmt) if cmt_str.startswith('void') or cmt_str.startswith('char') \ or cmt_str.startswith('int') or cmt_str.startswith('switch') \ or cmt_str.startswith('jump') or cmt_str.startswith('size_t') \ or cmt_str.startswith('dw') or cmt_str.startswith('nSize') \ or cmt_str.startswith('hFile') or cmt_str.startswith('lp'): return True else: return False def get_all_comments(self): cmts = [] for seg in idautils.Segments(): print 'Anylising:', idc.SegName(seg), hex(idc.SegStart(seg)), hex(idc.SegEnd(seg)) + '\n' ea = idc.SegStart(seg) start = idc.SegStart(seg) end = idc.SegEnd(seg) while ea < end: if ea != idc.BADADDR: cmt = idc.GetCommentEx(ea, True) if cmt: if self.check_isin_filter(cmt): print " Address: ",format(ea, '#16X'),'In fliter,IGN:', cmt else: current_cmt = [format(ea, '#16X'), 'R', idc.GetDisasm(ea), cmt] cmts.append(current_cmt) self.n += 1 print " Address: ", format(ea, '#16X'), 'R', 'Comment:', cmt cmt2 = idc.GetCommentEx(ea, False) if cmt2: if self.check_isin_filter(cmt2): print " Address: ",format(ea, '#16X'),'In fliter,IGN:', cmt2 else: current_cmt = [format(ea, '#16X'), 'N', idc.GetDisasm(ea), cmt2] cmts.append(current_cmt) self.n += 1 print " Address: ",format(ea, '#16X'), 'N', 'Comment:', cmt2 ea = idc.next_head(ea, end) return cmts def OnGetLineAttr(self, n): pass #print("getlineattr %d" % n) #if n == 1: # return [0xFF0000, 0] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_choose2(modal=False): global c c = MyChoose2("Comments List", nb=10, modal=modal) r = c.show() #c.get_all_comments() # get all comments form = idaapi.get_current_tform() for thing in ["A", "B"]: idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, None, "choose2:act%s" % thing) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_choose2_embedded(): global c c = MyChoose2("Comments List", nb=12, embedded=True, width=123, height=222) r = c.Embedded() if r == 1: try: if test_embedded: o, sel = _idaapi.choose2_get_embedded(c) print("o=%s, type(o)=%s" % (str(o), type(o))) test_embedded(o) finally: c.Close() class show_cmts_plugin_t(idaapi.plugin_t): flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_UNL comment = "IDA Comments Viewer: generate all comments of the idb" help = "Bugs and report: http://www.h4ck.org.cn" wanted_name = "Comments Viewer by obaby" wanted_hotkey = "Ctr-Alt-F8" def init(self): print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'IDA Comments Viewer for IDA pro 7.0' print 'Version:1.0 alpha' print 'plugin by obaby' print 'http://www.h4ck.org.cn http://findu.co' print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' return idaapi.PLUGIN_OK def run(self, arg): print "Start to analyzing all comments in idb..." ida_kernwin.show_wait_box('Analyzing comments in progress, this will take a while.') test_choose2(False) ida_kernwin.hide_wait_box('Analyzing comments in progress, this will take a while.') print "Finished,have a good time" def term(self): ida_kernwin.hide_wait_box('Analyzing comments in progress, this will take a while.') def PLUGIN_ENTRY(): return show_cmts_plugin_t()
那个基址问题应该是IDA的BUG,在新的IDA 7.0.171130 (SP1)里已经修正了的,如果是正版的话就升级一下吧。
‘invalid syntax’, (”, 98, 42, ‘ return self.Show(self.modal) >= 0\n’))
while ea < end:
#print(“getsize -> %d” % n)
这个搜索注释只能搜索 “注释”,重复注释跟函数注释不行耶
你可以看下idc.GetCommentEx这个api有没有其它的参数,或者换新版的ida 使用插件的方式尝试一下。