Immunity Debugger 1.8x Wow64 Plugin v2.0.0.1




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Immunity Debugger 1.85 Wow64 Plugin v1.0.0.1

大多数的逆向分析人士还是喜欢在XP下进行一系列的分析共做,我也是比较喜欢XP的兼容性和稳健型。但是在除此之外的时间用的基本都是Windows 7 64bit的系统,因为对于32位的XP来说,8G的内存已经成了浪费,虽然偶尔还是会切换到XP下,但是也只能识别2.3G的内存,由于平时不怎么用也就不关心这个鸟系统到底能识别多少内存了。在看雪学院有篇文章是关于如何让xp支持大内存的,但是我的测试效果是直接让膝系统分区表挂掉,于是后来也就懒得试了~

但是在Win7 64位的系统下进行调试会出现诸多的问题,比如上图就是很明显的例子,这个东西和Ollydbg 1.1遇到的状况是一样的。详细可以参考这篇文章:《OllyDbg v1.10 And Wow64》 。至于原理文章中已经解释的很清楚了,着了也就没有必要进行详细的说明了。

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Immunity Debugger 1.83 SDK



//////////////////////////// IMPORTANT INFORMATION /////////////////////////////

// 1. Export all callback functions by name, NOT by ordinal!
// 2. Force 4 byte alignment of immDbg structures!
// 3. Set default char type to unsigned!
// 4. Read documentation!

#ifndef __PLUGIN_H__
#define __PLUGIN_H__

#pragma pack(push, 4)			// Force 4 byte alignment of structures

#ifndef _CHAR_UNSIGNED		// Verify that character is unsigned
#error Please set default char type to unsigned (option /J)

#define ODBG_Plugindata      IMMDBG_Plugindata
#define ODBG_Plugininit      IMMDBG_Plugininit
#define ODBG_Pluginmainloop  IMMDBG_Pluginmainloop
#define ODBG_Pluginsaveudd   IMMDBG_Pluginsaveudd
#define ODBG_Pluginuddrecord IMMDBG_Pluginuddrecord
#define ODBG_Pluginmenu      IMMDBG_Pluginmenu
#define ODBG_Pluginaction    IMMDBG_Pluginaction
#define ODBG_Pluginshortcut  IMMDBG_Pluginshortcut
#define ODBG_Pluginreset     IMMDBG_Pluginreset
#define ODBG_Pluginclose     IMMDBG_Pluginclose
#define ODBG_Plugindestroy   IMMDBG_Plugindestroy
#define ODBG_Paused          IMMDBG_Paused
#define ODBG_Pausedex        IMMDBG_Pausedex
#define ODBG_Plugincmd       IMMDBG_Plugincmd

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其实上一篇文章完全是拷贝来的,目的是做个本地备份。 😀 最近开始将一些工作转移到ImmDbg,在此之前是想在OD的脚本中做一些简单的工作来实现一些内存数据的修改以及写入功能,但是事实上由于OD脚本的API函数有限,要实现诸如文件读取之类的工作发现基本没什么可能,当然了也有可能是因为自己孤陋寡闻, :8 如果谁知道相关的APi还望不吝赐教。 smile

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Starting to write Immunity Debugger PyCommands : my cheatsheet 『Rw』

When I started Win32 exploit development many years ago, my preferred debugger at the time was WinDbg (and some Olly). While Windbg is a great and fast debugger, I quickly figured out that some additional/external tools were required to improve my exploit development experience.

Despite the fact that the command line oriented approach in windbg has many advantages, it appeared not the best tool to search for good jump addresses, or to list non-safeseh compiled / non-aslr aware modules, etc….  Ok, looking for a simple “jmp esp” is trivial, but what if you are looking for all pop pop ret combinations in non-safeseh compiled modules…   Not an easy task.

It is perfectly possible to build plugins for Windbg, but the ones that I have found (MSEC, byakugan (Metasploit)) don’t always work the way I want them to work, and would still not solve some issues I was having while writing exploits.

OllyDbg and Immunity Debugger are quite different than windbg.  Not only the GUI is very much different, the number of plugins for these debuggers is substantially higher.  After evaluating both of them (they pretty much have the same look and feel), and evaluating the way plugins can be added, I made the decision to focus on Immunity Debugger.

That does not mean OllyDbg is a bad debugger or is limited in what you can do in terms of writing plugins… I just found it harder to “quickly tweak a plugin” while building an exploit.   OllyDbg plugins are compiled into dll’s, so changing a plugin would require me to recompile and test.   Immunity Debugger uses python scripts.  I can go into the script, make a little change, and see the results right away.  Simple.

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