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主机名:           OBABY-MSI-ML
OS 名称:          Microsoft Windows 10 专业版
OS 版本:          10.0.19044 暂缺 Build 19044
OS 制造商:        Microsoft Corporation
OS 配置:          独立工作站
OS 构建类型:      Multiprocessor Free
注册的所有人:     obaby
注册的组织:       暂缺
产品 ID:          002331-1002200-03404001-AA7336
初始安装日期:     2020/11/13, 21:27:36
系统启动时间:     2023/4/16, 13:23:31
系统制造商:       Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.

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JEB Decompiler

- fix all integrity checks\timebomb
- Time-limited sessions fixed
- Requires an Internet connection fixed
- dexdec: fix string decrypt via emulation
- dexdec: instruction conversion recovered
- gui: Usage of the clipboard is disallowed fixed
- jdb2: Saving or loading projects is disabled fixed
- android debug enabled
- android native debug enabled
- avrdec: decompiler enabled
- Decompiler exporter fixed
- callgraph enabled

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JEB Decompiler JEB 4.20 -> JDK 11.0.X 64 bit
mod by CXV
Press Generate a Key in welcome window
- fix all integrity checks\timebomb
- Time-limited sessions fixed
- Requires an Internet connection fixed
- dexdec: fix string decrypt via emulation
- dexdec: instruction conversion recovered
- gui: Usage of the clipboard is disallowed fixed
- jdb2: Saving or loading projects is disabled fixed
- android debug enabled
- avrdec: decompiler enabled
- Decompiler exporter fixed
- callgraph enabled
Increase available RAM in jvm up to 4gb:
rename jvmopt.txt.TEMPLATE -> jvmopt.txt

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每次更换服务器,后续都会有很多的事情需要去处理。有的是服务器本身的问题,有的是各种配置问题。所以不到万不得已实在是不想更换服务器,下午看到杜老师的留言提到了litespeed cache,于是登录后台看了一眼,发现原来的redis缓存配置没有生效。问题也很容易定位,那就是没有安装php的redis扩展。正常的话通过apt就可以安装,但是问题出现了,工控机上php 和php-fpm不是同一个版本。

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Glances is a cross-platform monitoring tool which aims to present a maximum of information in a minimum of space through a curses or Web based interface. It can adapt dynamically the displayed information depending on the terminal size.

It can also work in client/server mode. Remote monitoring could be done via terminal, Web interface or API (XMLRPC and RESTful).

Glances is written in Python and uses the psutil library to get information from your system.

Stats can also be exported to external time/value databases.

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