diablo2oo2’s Universal Patcher v2.23

[2.23 Final]
-fixed music playback bug
-fixed bug: open *.dUP2 files with dup2.exe
-fixed bug: crash when option “do not check original bytes” is enabled
-fixed bug: commandline parameter “/startupworkdir” did not work
-any bytepattern format will be accepted when it is pasted
-added plugin support
-added ASLR support
-added DLL patching support for the loader

Download1 :http://diablo2oo2.di.funpic.de/downloads/dup2.rar


Comment Viewer v.0.2

Comment Viewer is a plug-in for Interactive Dissasembler (IDA) whose purpose is to provide an easy way for the security researcher to manage the comments in the database. It should prove to be useful on large analysis of binary code projects where keeping a good image of the executable actions is needed.

 The plug-in supports a variety of options to be as efficient as possible in a variety of cases, while keeping much of its simplicity. For more information on the various options, what they mean and how to use them please read the attached pdf

Orginal Download link:http://www.openrce.org/downloads/details/237/Comment_Viewer

Dbank Download link:http://dl.dbank.com/c0qtmkuof4

Delphi Get HDD Serial Number

program keygenme;


{$R software.RES}
var WinClass: TWndClassA;
Inst: HINST;
hWindow: HWND;
TheMessage: TMsg;



cmbChange: HWND;
cmbAbout: HWND;
cmbExit: HWND;

PaintStruct: TPaintStruct;
PaintDC: HDC;
hFont1: HFONT;

function StrToInt(const S: string):Integer;
E: Integer;
Val(S, Result, E);

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Core FTP Pro v2.2 build 1687 Serial Number



对于注册表的REG_MULTI_SZ类型的数据个人感觉一直比较蛋疼,一个是因为在Delphi下竟然没有相关的函数,第二个是因为对于这类型的数据在使用ssdt hook修改数据的时候出现了很多问题。


103B29D8    8B4C24 18       mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18]
103B29DC    8B3D 34F0EE10   mov edi,dword ptr ds:[<&ADVAPI32.RegQuer>; ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExA
103B29E2    894424 14       mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14],eax
103B29E6    8D4424 14       lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]
103B29EA    50              push eax
103B29EB    6A 00           push 0x0
103B29ED    6A 00           push 0x0
103B29EF    6A 00           push 0x0
103B29F1    68 088FFD10     push iTunes_1.10FD8F08                   ; ASCII "SystemBiosVersion"
103B29F6    51              push ecx
103B29F7    FFD7            call edi
103B29F9    85C0            test eax,eax
103B29FB    75 48           jnz XiTunes_1.103B2A45
103B29FD    8B5424 14       mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]
103B2A01    52              push edx
103B2A02    50              push eax
103B2A03    E8 7820CDFF     call iTunes_1.10084A80
103B2A08    50              push eax
103B2A09    FF15 84FEEE10   call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.HeapAlloc>>; ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap
103B2A0F    8B4C24 18       mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x18]
103B2A13    8BF0            mov esi,eax
103B2A15    8D4424 14       lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14]
103B2A19    50              push eax
103B2A1A    56              push esi
103B2A1B    6A 00           push 0x0
103B2A1D    6A 00           push 0x0
103B2A1F    68 088FFD10     push iTunes_1.10FD8F08                   ; ASCII "SystemBiosVersion"
103B2A24    51              push ecx
103B2A25    FFD7            call edi


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Mac OS gdb 配置模版


所以最常规的方法还是使用gdb进行调试,当然对于gdb在调试之前最好能够进行一些配置,如果通过良好的配置可以达到事半功倍的效果。但是还有一点需要注意的是mac系统下的gdb和linux系统下的gdb并不是完全一样的,在mac系统下如果使用gdb -app的方式启动的话这个配置文件并不会达到想要的效果,所以最好的方式是首先启动gdb然后采用exe app的方式来加载和启动调试。


ps: 还有另外的一个配置文件是针对ios设备的,如果需要的话猛击此处下载! (使用方法,下载后复制到用户目录下,修改文件名为.gdbinit然后重新启动gdb即可)