IDA 6.0设置WinDbg调试器路径



//      Processor specific parameters
#ifdef __PC__                           // INTEL 80x86 PROCESSORS
// Location of Microsoft Debugging Engine Library (dbgeng.dll)
// This value is used by both the windmp (dump file loader) and the windbg
// debugger module. Please also refer to dbg_windbg.cfg
// (note: make sure there is a semicolon at the end)

//DBGTOOLS = "C:\\Program Files\\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\\";将这一行注释修改为windbg的路径
DBGTOOLS = "C:\\WinDDK\\7600.16385.1\\Debuggers\\";

USE_FPP = YES // Floating Point Processor
// instructions are enabled

// IBM PC specific analyzer options

PC_ANALYZE_PUSH = YES // Convert immediate operand of "push" to offset
// In sequence
// push seg
// push num

Tom Dowdy (Found in iTunes)

I have noticed that in the iTunes process memory ,there have being a person who named Tom.Today I saw his name agin ,and Googled this person ,here is all about him.

Tom is 40 years old.
Tom was raised in Morgantown, West Virginia.
Tom went to college at the University of Notre Dame.
Tom is six feet and two inches tall.
Tom works too much.
Tom listens to music most people don’t like.
Tom has worked at Apple Computer, Inc. for seventeen years.
Tom has worked on QuickTime in the past.
Tom works on iTunes currently.
Tom wrote DarkSide of the Macintosh, a screen saver that does not patch any traps.
Tom enjoys semi-professional cooking.
Tom drives a silly car.
Tom sometimes drives a different silly car.
Tom has one younger brother.
Tom has two excellent parents.

Orginal content link page:

MASM Junk Code

;//Junk  & SEH
 junkxx_01  db 0E8h, 24h, 0, 0  ; DATA XREF: FillJunkXX+2Ct
     db 0, 8Bh, 44h,  24h
     db 4, 8Bh, 0, 3Dh
     db 4, 0, 0, 80h
     db 75h,  8, 8Bh,  64h
     db 24h,  8, 0EBh, 4
     db 58h,  0EBh, 0Ch, 0E9h
     db 64h,  8Fh, 5,  0
     db 0, 0, 0, 74h
     db 0F3h, 75h, 0F1h, 0EBh
     db 24h,  64h, 0FFh, 35h
     db 0, 0, 0, 0
     db 0EBh, 12h, 0FFh, 9Ch
     db 74h,  3, 75h,  1
     db 0E9h, 81h, 0Ch, 24h
     db 0, 1, 0, 0
     db 9Dh,  90h, 0EBh, 0F4h
     db 64h,  89h, 25h, 0
     db 0, 0, 0, 0EBh
     db 0E6h
 junkxx_02  db 0EBh, 1, 0Fh, 31h  ; DATA XREF: FillJunkXX+46t
     db 0F0h, 0EBh, 0Ch, 33h
     db 0C8h, 0EBh, 3, 0EBh
     db 9, 0Fh, 59h,  74h
     db 5, 75h, 0F8h, 51h
     db 0EBh, 0F1h
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