UniApp Android高德地图黑屏
implementation files('libs/map-amap-release.aar') implementation files('libs/amap-libs-release.aar') # 不要同时引入amap-gp-libs-release
RetDec IDA plugin
RetDec plugin for IDA (Interactive Disassembler).
The plugin is compatible with the IDA 7.5+ versions. The plugin does NOT work with IDA 6.x, IDA 7.0-7.4, or freeware version of IDA 7.0. The plugin comes at both 32-bit and 64-bit address space variants (both are 64-bit binaries). I.e. it works in both ida
and ida64
. At the moment, it can decompile the following architectures:
- 32-bit: x86, arm, mips, and powerpc.
- 64-bit: x86-64, arm64.
Cutter 免费开源逆向工具
Cutter release binaries for all major platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows) can be downloaded from GitHub Releases.
Linux: Download the
file. Then make it executable and run as below or use AppImageLauncher.
chmod +x Cutter*.AppImage; ./Cutter*.AppImage
macOS: Download the
file or use Homebrew Cask:
brew install --cask cutter
Windows: Download the
archive or use Chocolatey:
choco install cutter
Mac 图像批量压缩 调整尺寸
「图压」是一款专为高效工作者设计的免费批量图片压缩利器!支持 Windows 和 macOS 两大操作系统。这款工具能在几乎不损害画质的情况下大幅度地压缩图片的体积,可以非常快速有效地批量减小文件大小。
功能:支持全站爬取,搜索爬取。想下载什么内容自己定制,目前版本不支持独立页面下载,后续可能会考虑支持,目前我的目标是为了爬取整个网站,所以单页面下载功能不一定会做,即使做了也不一定什么时候会上。 参数说明:
xiurenji.exe 可执行文件名称 帮助: -h 显示帮助说明 必选参数: -a 整站爬取 -q 搜索爬取,针对关键字搜索之后对于搜索结果页进行爬取 可选参数: -p 制定下载目录,默认下载路径为当前exe所在目录下的images文件夹
NET Reactor v6.5.0.0
.NET Reactor是用于为.NET Framework编写的软件的功能强大的代码保护和软件许可系统,并且支持生成.NET程序集的所有语言。
.NET Reactor通过多种方法来防止反编译,这些方法会将.NET程序集转换为任何现有工具都无法反编译的进程(并且很可能会阻止任何将来的工具反编译)。除了业界领先的知识产权保护外,.NET Reactor还提供了强大的选项,可通过使用多种试用版和完整版本锁来实施许可条款,从而确保您的收入流。
Python3 requests 下载进度条
def proxy_get_content_stream(url): if is_use_proxy: socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT) socket.socket = socks.socksocket return requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS, stream=True, timeout=300) def save_image_from_url_with_progress(url, cnt): with closing(proxy_get_content_stream(url)) as response: chunk_size = 1024 # 单次请求最大值 content_size = int(response.headers['content-length']) # 内容体总大小 data_count = 0 with open(cnt, "wb") as file: for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): file.write(data) data_count = data_count + len(data) now_position = (data_count / content_size) * 100 print("\r[D] 下载进度: %s %d%%(%d/%d)" % (int(now_position) * '▊' + (100 - int(now_position)) * ' ', now_position, data_count, content_size,), end=" ") print('')