Today i noticed that the QQ International has update to 1.2.So this noon i patched it again.But after the QQ log in ,I didn’t see the Today Window. So I clicked the button on the QQ mainform to get the window ,and after the window show.I saw that there is no more,Don’t display the Today window during the next 5 days. check box at the window bottom. :p
迅雷 去广告补丁
现在笔记本上用的一直是以前的迅雷5,直到周末要下载COD 8的时候发现那个东西下载不了ed2k的链接,而电驴又没有任何的速度,于是哥们重新给装了一个7。但是迅雷7的广告太蛋疼了,于是就自己又搞了一下把右边的广告给k掉了。那些广告既占用资源又影响视觉,一点都不爽啊,不爽。 :choler:
OD Unicode String Format Convert v0.1
Simple graphical utility for translating resolving the library and address of arbitrary API routines.
diablo2oo2’s Universal Patcher v2.23
[2.23 Final]
-fixed music playback bug
-fixed bug: open *.dUP2 files with dup2.exe
-fixed bug: crash when option “do not check original bytes” is enabled
-fixed bug: commandline parameter “/startupworkdir” did not work
-any bytepattern format will be accepted when it is pasted
-added plugin support
-added ASLR support
-added DLL patching support for the loader
Download1 :
Resource Hacker 官方简体中文正式版
Resource Hacker Reshacker
因原英文版附带的帮助文件格式太老,Win7下无法使用,现已转换为 CHM 帮助文件,去掉了 hlp 文件,仍为中文,但无法从软件的帮助菜单中直接调用,如要查阅帮助文件,请直接点击 ResHacker.chm 文件。
* 新增对 PNG 图标的支持。猛击此处下载!
iAppMaster 1.0 Nag Removed [Cracked by obaby]
This is the first time for me to crack a Mac os app,happly not to hard for me to crack this one.
i just moved the Nag Window ,so now u can just run the app without click the “shit” button
iTunes For Windows 2k3
在Windows 2k3上无法使用itunes是因为在安装的过程中AppleMobileDeviceSupport组件安装失败造成的,因而要想在Windows 2003上使用itunes只需要能够安装对应的组件就行了。