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DeIDA Package 1.4

DeDe is Excellent Delphi program analyzing tool, but I still prefer IDA for
navigation & documentation.

Exe-2-Dpr is another very useful utility (and also work with old 16-bit Delphi

I always look for way to grab as many info from this great program’s output as
possible. So, I wrote a few stupid progs just to _reformate_ Exe2dpr & DeDe
output and import into IDA by simple IDC script.

That’s all.

How to use:


> -*- EDM 1.4 * Copyright (c) Aleph 2001-2003 -*-
> Exe-2-Dpr output files reformatter
> Usage: [> ProjectName.DDM]

Apply exe2dpr.exe to analyzed proggy. Place all exe2dpr output in some
directory. Now, run in this directory and redirect edm output to some
file. edm will be scan all *.pas files in the directory and create output file
in *.ddm format. Use deida.idc script for import the *.ddm file to IDA database.

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IDA Create Unicode String(English)







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IDA Pro 6.3 ELF Anti-Debugging / Reversing Patcher

* IDA Pro 6.3 (crash due an internal error)
* ELF anti-debugging/reversing patcher
* Published @ IOActive Labs Research blog:
* - nitr0us [ ]
* Tested under:
* IDA Pro Starter License 6.3.120531 (Mac OS X)
* IDA Pro Demo 6.3.120730 (Ubuntu Linux 9.04)
* IDA Pro Demo 6.3.120730 (Mac OS X 10.7.3)
* IDA Pro Demo 6.3.120730 (Windows Vista Home Premium SP2)
* Bug found using Frixyon fuzzer (my ELF file format fuzzer still in development)
* Timeline:
* 21/11/2012 The bug was found on IDA Demo 6.3
* 22/11/2012 The bug was tested on IDA Pro Starter License 6.3.120531 (32-bit)
* 22/11/2012 The bug was reported through the official Hex-Rays contact emails
* 23/11/2012 Hex-Rays replied and agreed that the bug leads to an unrecoverable
* state and it will be fixed on the next release
**************** TECHNICAL DETAILS ***********************
nitr0us@burial:~$ gdb -q idaq
(gdb) r a.out
(no debugging symbols found) 

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
[Switching to Thread 0xb6860760 (LWP 3638)]
0xb55f7694 in default_notification_handler (reader=@0xbfbffae0,
 notif=reader_t::err_shstrndx) at reader.cpp:33
33 reader.cpp: No such file or directory.
 in reader.cpp
Current language: auto; currently c++
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