Bit Detector v2.8.5.6 & ExeInfoPe v0.0.3.1

Exeinfo PE is a software that you can use to view various information on any executable file.

This product is portable, so installation is not necessary. It means that your Windows registry entries will remain intact but that you can also place the tool on a removable device and run it on any computer.

The user interface of Exeinfo PE is based on a small, standard window in which you can insert an EXE or DLL file by using the file browser or the “drag and drop” method.

So, you can view the entry point, file offset, linker information, file size, EP section, first bytes, sub-system and overlay. But you can also input HEX data to look into BIN information.

In addition, you can open a section viewer in which you can check out each virtual offset and size, RAW data offset and size, flags, name, first bytes (in HEX mode) and section status (executable, readable, writable).

Furthermore, you can view header information which revolves around the T:S table, security, exception, resources, debug, architecture and other parameters for the directory, as well as size of headers, number of directories, image base, base of code, and more.

In the “Options”, you can enable Exeinfo PE to perform a fast scan, ignore EXE errors, integrate into the shell, always be on top and have a big interface. Also, you can select the skin, log file and language.

The application uses a moderate amount of system resources and worked smoothly during our tests. We haven’t come across any issues. However, there is no help file available, so first-time users wouldn’t probably know how to work with Exeinfo PE. We mainly recommend it to experienced individuals.


News :
“Wana Help me? Send True Signature smile

+ Add Main Window Tooltips.
+ Add 32/64 bit PE Detection.
+ Add Update, News Dialog.
+ Add Asm PDK.
+ Add Plugin.
– Core Units Bugs Fixed.
– Improve Bit Detectore Core Units.
– Improve 64 bit PE File Errors.
– Fix ZipDialog and ZipLib.dll Bugs.

+ Add Tools :
* DLL Export.
* System Mac Address Information.
* Hash Calculator [MD2|MD4|MD5|SHA].
* File Location Calculator [FLC].

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