Ticket #11289, IE bug fix Error

In the past 3 days ,every day there were almost 100 spam comments. The Askmit recognized these spams ,but i have to delete these spams myself .I dislike to do this ,so i reactived the Math comment spam protection plugin.However the plugin dosen’t work very well, if u post a comment with the answer blank or wrong ,it will just show u the fallow error message like this:

WordPress ? Error

ERROR: Somethin here.

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WordPress 开启Gzip压缩


< ?php
 * Front to the WordPress application. This file doesn't do anything, but loads
 * wp-blog-header.php which does and tells WordPress to load the theme.
 * @package WordPress

 * Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
 * @var bool
define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);

/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */


网址 http://h4ck.ws 检测结果如下:
压缩类型 gzip
原始文件大小 60337 字节
压缩后文件大小 16267 字节
压缩率(估计值) 73.04%

秘密花园日记本 v2.88.330

昨天看到这个东西的, 和以前的版本相比貌似加了些什么东西。看了一下认证模块没变,于是直接替换了。嘎嘎,并且貌似也没问题,但是这个东西却没发现注册相关的功能到哪里去了,难道是不用注册了? :beurk:不太像,神奇。 laugh 猛击此处下载!( 程序是.net编写的,需要安装.net 运行库。默认用户名为obaby,登录密码为123456,如果要删除该用户只需要将程序目录下文件名为obaby的文件即可。)



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Icon Fever


IconsPedia includes and icon search engine and the archives can be browsed by category.

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今天从一个网站上看到这么个东西,于是自己就“偷”以一份过来,索然功能不是很强大,但是网址还是收集的比较全的。本来是想添加一个导航链接的,但是折腾了半天发现这个主题和以前用的主题不是十分一样, 没有找到从哪里修改,如果有人知道的话还望不吝赐教。页面效果如下图所示:

猛击此处访问该页面,如果有什么问题可以在此处跟贴说明 smile